The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs Story

Story # 1:

Once their lived a man in a town. He was very poor, but at the same time he was very ambitious. He kept on dreaming about good happy times. He prayed to god to make him rich. He thought that wealth would become a source of satisfaction for him. Finally, his prayer was accepted. One day he found that his hen had laid a golden egg. He was over joyed. He sold that golden egg and got plenty of money. The hen laid a golden egg every third day and he sold it in the market.

After a few months, he become a very rich man. Everyone envied his fortunes, but he was not satisfied. Wealth, in fact, made him greedy and unwise. He made a foolish plan. He wished to get all the eggs at once. He thought that in this way he would become the richest man of the town. His wife told him to patiently wait for better times. The man did not accept her advice. Greed had made him insane. So he continued with his plan.

Next day he killed the hen, hoping that he would get all eggs of gold from the hen. He was excited think that soon he would have a lot of wealth. But he was shocked to find that there was only one egg in the belly of the hen. He became sad and gloomy. He felt sorry for his foolish act, but it was too late.

He himself brought his fortune to ruins. Impatient and greed for money had made him crazy and foolish. What he had done could not be undone.

He spoiled what Allah had bestowed upon him.


  1. Haste make waste.
  2. It is useless to cry over spilt milk.

Story # 2:

Greed is a curse. Greedy people are not satisfied. They can never be happy in their life because greed can never be satiated. They believe that they deserve more. In the pursuit of their material needs, they know no limits. They don’t realize that how simple, meaningful and happy life they can live if they overcome their greed and contain their desires. Greed makes a person impatient and selfish and it leads to discontentment and frustration. A scholar once said, “wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become”.

Once, a farmer lived in a village. He was very poor. He had a large family. He had a few hens. Every morning, he would go to the coop to collect eggs laid by the hens and sell them in the market to get food for his family. One day; he found something unusual. It was an egg all the same but it was lustrous and glossy. He was greatly surprised. He took it to a jewelry in the village who told him that it was of pure gold. His joy knew no bounds. It was a promise of a prosperous future and end of all his deprivations and poverty.

Every morning, he would go to the chicken-coop and get an egg of gold. soon the farmer grew very rich. But as he grew richer, he also becomes greedy, stingy and grumpy. He was not satisfied with getting one egg of gold a day. He wanted to become rich overnight. He thought the belly of the hen must full of golden eggs and if he cut the hen open, he could get all the eggs at one time.

So, the next day he went to the chicken-house, caught hold of the hen, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and ripped open its belly. To his great dismay, there was not even a single egg.

The farmer was sad and disappointed. He repented of his folly. His greed had ruined him.


  1. Greed is a curse.
  2. All covet, all lose.
  3. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.