The Clever Bat Story

Once the king of a jungle died. It was decided to elect a king for the jungle. All the animals gathered and declared that lion would be their king. They started convincing all that lion must be the king. A bat also lived there. When the animals went to him for support, he assured them that he would support the lion. He himself was an animal and would like to have another animal as a king. On the other side, all birds of the jungle also had a meeting. And demanded that some bird must be elected king. They all declared hawk to be their candidate for being king. When the birds approached the bat, he assured them that being a bird himself, he would support them.

The bat kept on cheating both sides. Soon all came to know of his duplicity. At last the elections were held. The lion won. The bat went there but the animals refused to accept him. They told him that he was a bird so he must go to them.

Disappointed by the animals, he went to the birds. But birds refused to accept him saying that he was an animal. In this way he was forced to leave the forest and live in dark parts of houses.

Moral: A rolling stone gathers no moss.