Three Friends & A Bag of Gold Story

Story # 1:

 There were three friends.  They lived in a village. They promised to remain together thick and thin. They wanted to earn their living. They set out on a journey to a town. This town was famous for trade.

On their way they passed through a jungle. They felt very hungry and tired. They stopped under shady tree to take some rest. Suddenly, they saw a bag lying nearby. When they opened it they found that it was full of gold coins. They became very happy. They decided to distribute it among themselves and return home. They were very hungry. They sent one of them to go to a nearby village and get food for them. 

As he went away, the other two made a plan to kill him, so that they could divide the gold equally. On this way, the third man was also planning to have all the gold by himself. He decided he decided to mix some poison in the food. When he brought the poison food for them, both of them rushed to kill him. Soon they put him to death. Then they ate the food. As the food was poisoned, they also died soon after eating it. The result was that all of them died. The gold remained there.


  1. He who digs a pit for others himself falls into it.
  2. Greed is a curse.

Story # 2:

Once there lived three friends in a village. Apparently, then were hand in glove with one another but at heart, all of them were selfish, avaricious and deceitful. They do not find work in the village, so they decided to try their luck in a nearby town.

They left early in the morning for their destination and soon reached a jungle. They were quit exhausted. They decided to take some rest since it was quit hot too. After a little lie-down, they could easily cover the rest of the distance. They saw a shady tree as soon as they reached there, they were surprised to find a cotton bag lying there unattended. They immediately undid it and were overjoyed to find it full of gold coins.

They were extremely happy on their newly found riches. The bag full of gold coins was a promise of their prosperity in future. They agreed to divide the treasure equally among themselves. But the pangs of hunger forced them to have something to eat first. One of them offered to fetch some food from a nearby village.

On his way to the village, he was overpowered by greed. He started thinking of some plan to get all the gold himself. He decided to kill his friends and get their share of the gold too. He bought some food and mixed poison in it. On the other hand, his friends had also planned to kill him and divide the gold coins between themselves. In fact, all were ignorant of the laws of nature. They did not know that greed is a curse.

All were sowing the same thing and all were going to reap the same. Everyone was digging a pit for the others and everyone was to fall into it. Our actions depend on our intention and the intention of all was bad. As soon as the friend came with the meal, the pounced on him stifled him to death. They did not know that the density had the same thing in store for them. They were soon to face the music for their evil deed. Then they sat down calmly and satisfied their hunger. As soon as they ate the poisoned food, they died. The gold remained unattended and un-owned. They fell a prey to greed and temptation and greed always leads to destruction.


  1. Greed is a curse.
  2. He who digs a pit for others, himself falls into it.
  3. All covet, all lose.
  4. As you sow, so shall you reap.