The hare and the tortoise story

Story # 1:

Once there lived a hare in a jungle. He was very quick and smart. All the wandered here and there and enjoyed the green grass of the jungle. Near the pool in that jungle lived a tortoise. The hare and tortoise become friends. They had a good time together. But there was one problem. The hare was always proud of his fast speed. He often teased the tortoise for being slow.

The hare always invited the tortoise to have race with him. One day the tortoise lost his patient. He accepted the challenge. The hare laughed at the tortoise. The day for the race was fixed. An owl was appointed the judge. All the animal and birds came out of their places. The race started. The hare ran so fast that soon he was out of sight. On the other hand, the tortoise kept on creeping slowly.

After a while the hare saw a cool shady tree. He thought it was safe to have some rest for a while. He lay down and soon was asleep. He slept for a long time. The tortoise passed by the sleeping hare. He never thought of having any rest. He kept on moving slowly and steadily. He reached his destination after a long labor. When the hare woke, the sun was setting. He got up and starting running to the final point. But he was ashamed to see that the tortoise had already reached there.


  1. Slow and steady wins the race.
  2. Pride hath a fall.


Story # 2:

Constant effort guarantees success in life. Those who work by fits and starts and look down upon others never achieve their goal in life. They usually lick the dust since they unable to work consistently. A naturally gifted man, through lack of application, is often beaten by a plodder. The following story aptly illustrates the oft-quoted moral: Slow and steady wins the race.  

A hare and tortoise were fast friends. The hare, proud of his swiftness, often ridiculed the tortoise for being so slow upon his feet. One day, the tortoise got angry at his mockery. He challenged the hare to run a race. The hare gave a proud laugh and accepted the challenge. He had such a confidence in his natural fleetness that the challenge did not trouble him. They unanimously made an appointment for a certain time and place to settle the matter. They fixed a tree at the foot of a hill as the winning post. The race started and the hare ran with a flying speed. In no time he was out of sight. When he was halfway through, he stopped and look back. He was sure that the tortoise would be still far behind. So, he lay down in the velvety cradle of meadow grass in the shade of a tree. The gentle strokes of cool breeze soothed his tired body and soon he was fast asleep.

On the other hand, the tortoise was extremely tired but he kept up with steady steps. He quietly passed by the sleeping hare and went his way without stopping until he reached the winning post. When the hare woke up, the sun was about to set. He looked around but did not see the tortoise anywhere. He ran towards his destination and was much ashamed to find the tortoise already there. After this humiliation, the hare resolved never to make fun of anyone.


  1. Slow and steady win the race.
  2. Success is for those who sleep after the completion of their work.