Introduction To Physics - What is Physics & Branches of Physics - Science

Define nature of philosophy. Discuss its  classification.



Ever since man has started to observe, think and wondering about the world around him. He tried to organize the disorder in the observed facts about natural phenomena and materials things in an orderly manner. The study of natural phenomena and materials things in an orderly form is called natural philosophy.

As the knowledge increased, the study of nature was divided into two branches.

  1. Biological sciences
  2. Physical science

1. Biological science:

The science which deals with living things such as botany, zoology etc. is called Biological Sciences.

2. Physical Science:

The science which deals with non-living things such as chemistry, astronomy, geology etc. is called physical sciences.


Physics is important and basic part of physical science besides it other disciplines such as chemistry, astronomy geology etc. physics is an experimental science and scientific method emphasizes the need of accurate measurement of different phenomena or of manmade objects.

What are the main frontiers of fundamental science?



At the present time there are three main frontiers of fundamental science.

  1. The world of extremely large things e.g. study of the universe.
  2. The world of extremely small particles e.g. study of electron, protons, neutrons, mesons etc.
  3. The world of complex matter. It is also the world of “middle sized” things. e.g. the study of molecules at one extreme to the earth at the other.

What is physics? Discuss different branches of physics.



The branch of science which deals with the study of matter and energy and relationship between them is called physics.

The study of physics involves investigating such things as;

  1. Law of motion
  2. The nature and type of forces that hold the materials together
  3. The interaction between different particle
  4. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and so

Branches of physics:

By the end of 19th century many physicists started believing that everything about physics has been discovered. However, about the beginning of the 20th century many new experimental facts showed that the laws formulated by the previous scientist need modifications. Further researches gave birth to many new disciplines in physics such as;

1. Nuclear Physics:

The branch of chemistry which deals with atomic nuclei is called nuclear physics.

2. Particle Physics:

The branch of physics which deals with the ultimate particles of which matter is composed of is called particle physics.

3. Relativistic Mechanics:

The branch of physics which deals with velocities approaching to that of light is called relativistic mechanics.

4. Solid State Physics:

The branch of physics which is concerned with the structure and properties of solid materials is called solid state physics.

Other branches of physics:

The overlapping of physics and other fields gave birth to new branches such as:

  1. Physical chemistry
  2. Biophysics
  3. Astrophysics
  4. Health physics etc.

Importance of physics in technology:

Physics also play an important role in development of technology an engineering. Science and technology are potent force for the change in the outlook of mankind. The information media and fast means of communications have bought all parts of the world in close contact with one another. Events in one part of the world immediately reverberate round the globe.

We are living in the age of information technology. The computer network are products of chips developed from basic ideas of physics. The chips are made of silicon. Silicon can be obtained from sand. It is up to us whether we make a sand castle or computer out of it.