Application To The Principal of Your College For Financial Scholarship/Scholarship

Application #1:

The Principle,

Government College,


Subject: Financial Assistance


It is humbly stated that I am a student of F.Sc. part 1. I belong to a poor family. My father is a factory worker with a family of five children to support. His income is only 15,000 rupees a month. I have four school going brothers and sisters. It is very difficult for my father to meet my education expenses with his small income. I showed excellent result in the college December tests and stood first in my class. I have a very good academic background with A+ grade in the matriculation examination 2019. I may not be able to continue my studies due to financial hardships.

You are, therefore, requested to give me financial assistance from the red crescent fund so that I could meet my educational expenses. My teacher-in-charge has recommended my application. I have also submitted a certificate from the town councilor.

I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.

April 2,2022                                                                                               Yours obediently,                                                                     X.Y.Z.

Application # 2:

The Principal,

Government College,



It is stated respectfully that I am a student of intermediate Part 1 in your institution. I am a position holder of my class and also very fond of studying. Beside studies, I also participate in different co-curricular activities held in the college.

But during the last month, my father met a terrible accident in which he got his legs broken. Resultantly, he is not in a condition to continue his job. By losing the sole bread-winner of the family, we are facing serious difficulties these days. As a result of this mishap, my father is unable to deposit my college dues. I do not want to quite my studies because my future depends on it.

Kindly grant me some financial assistance so that I may continue my studies with a free mind.

Thanking you in anticipation.

June 2,2022.                                                                                               Yours obediently,
