Application To The Principal of Your College For Fee Concession

Application #1:

The Principal,

Government College,


Subject: Fee – concession


It is humbly stated that I am a student of F.Sc part 1 in your college. I belong to a poor family. My father is salaried person with a family of five children to support. I have four school going brothers and sisters. It is very difficult for my father to meet our educational expenses with his meagre income. Therefore, he is unable to pay my college fee.

I have an excellent academic record. I got A+ grade in the matriculation examination 2021. I aspire to do well in F.Sc examination and become a doctor. My dream can become a reality if I am given a fee concession. I, therefore, request you to give me full-fee concession, considering my case on compassionate grounds. This act of yours will enable me to continue my studies without being a burden on my family.

I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

May 02,2022                                                                                              Yours obediently,


Application #2:

The Principal,

Government College,


Subject: Fee – Concession


Most respectfully, it is stated that I am a student of Intermediate part 1 in your esteemed college. I belong to a backward family. The living standard over there is very low. It was the dream of my parents to send me to this college. Sir, as you know I am among the top ten students of the college. My parents hardly make their both ends meet to fulfill my expenses of college and the recent increase in the fee is beyond their limit.

Please grant me concession in the said increase in the fee. It will really be a great favour because I don’t see any alternative to this problem. I shall be thankful to you in this regard.

May 02, 2022                                                                                             Yours obediently,
