The Honest Woodcutter & The Angel Story

Once there lived a woodcutter in a village. He was very poor. At the same time, he was very gentle and honest. He believed in hard work. He earned his living by selling wood in the town. Once he cutting a tree near a river. His axe slipped from his hands and fell into the river. He did not know how to swim. He did not know what to do. He starting weeping. He looked upward and prayed to god for help.

Just then an angel appeared there. She asked the woodcutter what had happened. The woodcutter told her the story. The angel felt sorry for him. She decided to help the woodcutter. She dived into the river and brought an axe. This axe was made up of pure gold. She gave this axe to the woodcutter. The woodcutter refused to take it. He said it was not his axe. The angel once again dived and brought out another axe. This time the axe was silver. She gave this silver axe to the woodcutter. The woodcutter again refused to take it.

The angel dived into the river for the third time. This time she brought out an iron axe. The woodcutter felt happy to see his on axe. He thanked the angel for this help. The angel was much impressed by the honesty of the woodcutter. She gave him all the three axe as a gift and disappeared. The woodcutter was rewarded for his honesty.


  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Truth always triumphs.